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Entrance rooms

By August 10, 2012Blog

We have entry rooms on the brain.  What makes a perfect entry room?  I like it to be comforting, to allow me to take a deep breath and say “ahhh, I’ve arrived home”.  It also has to be functional.  I need to be able to hang up my purse, put my keys in the spot they are meant to always be in, stash my mail… and all sorts of other functioning details that make arrival and departure all that much easier, all while looking pretty.  Tall order, right?  Especially if you have a husband and kids!  Well, we have all of those, and we are determined to create the perfect zone.  Here is a bit of inspiration in the mean time.


I’m a sucker for striped rugs, so those of you who know me understand why I’m pulled to this one, but besides that this is functioning and pretty.  I personally need a bit more stash space.  Definitely some drawers.  I like the idea of keys in that beautiful black shell bowl, and the magazine holder for mail and what not is brilliant.  Plus, the colors are great.


I really like the idea of this one, not necessarily the actual pieces.  I love the idea of a family photo gallery wall, reminding you, every time, why you love being there so much.  What a blessed feeling that would be.  Who wouldn’t want to take their boots off on that slip covered bench.  After a long day, I might not make it past that point!  Even the collected stone door stops are a great idea.


The styling of this, although pretty, is not necessarily my taste, but the use of the 2 tables with the storage basket between… brilliant!


Ok, this magnetic wall is brilliant!  So functionable for a family.  You could choose some permanent art, hang a simplie graphic calendar, and leave spots for permission slips and the don’t forget me stuff we all have.  Pretty perfect.


This is a great one for people who don’t have alot of space.  A simple chair and some hooks.


All in one.  Stream lined beauty.


This I find just beautiful.  Lots of storage and I imagine that mirror to be a hidden medicine cabinet!

Help us, what would you want in your entry room/area?

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