We’re Making Waves!
Sometimes the new year starts off slow and steady. Other times, it kicks off with a bang. It certainly looks like 2020 is going to be in that latter category, friends.
We’re so excited to finally announce that we’ve been selected as one of 12 designers in the House Beautiful Next Wave Class of 2020! We’ve been busting at the seams with this news for months, and now that the Jan/Feb issue of the magazine has hit newsstands we can finally shout about it to the world!
We feel so honored to be recognized amongst such talent, and to now be a part of this 123-year-old House Beautiful family. To be considered among the ranks of Nate Berkus and Victoria Hagan (past alum of the Next Wave class) is an incredible feeling.

We want to give a special shout-out to the other firms featured in this year’s Next Wave class, and send a thank you to the House Beautiful editorial team, our photographer David Williams, and everyone else that was involved in bringing this feature to life.
And, of course, we must thank YOU — our clients and readers. We couldn’t do any of this without you. Thank you for cheering us on.
You can read our Next Wave 2020 feature online, or see us in print in the Jan/Feb issue of House Beautiful magazine!