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Hi Friends! We’re back on the blog today with some SUPER EXCITING news!

French & French Interiors Design Blogger Highpoint Market

In just a few weeks, I’ll be coming to you live from High Point Market — the largest home furnishings industry trade show in the world! It includes over 10 million square feet of the latest in furniture design and more than 2,000 exhibitors — basically, imagine all of Downtown Santa Fe just 100% furniture!!

AND…French & French has been chosen as one of 10 participants in the Design Bloggers Tour for Spring Market 2018!

We are so honored and thrilled to participate in Market this way! I absolutely love attending, and this will be my fourth time there in as many years.

Make sure you signed up to our email list below for all our updates and follow us on Instagram to get live stories about what we’re seeing!

French & French Interiors Design Blogger Highpoint Market


What Is High Point Market?

I think of going to Market like going to Design Disney World; that’s how exciting it is for me to be wrapped up completely in the world of home furnishings for those few days!

French & French Interiors Design Blogger Highpoint Market

I’m always excited to get out there and see what sort of trends are coming up from manufacturers and get a look at pieces in person that I might want to use in upcoming projects.

French & French Interiors Design Blogger Highpoint Market

Market is a great opportunity to understand the scale and quality of furniture I might see online, especially because we don’t live near a design center here in Santa Fe. It’s difficult to get a handle on how big or small something really is just via photos, and seeing pieces in person helps me understand what will actually work in a space.

French & French Interiors Design Blogger Highpoint Market

I also love taking a look at what’s trending in design, and understanding what styles are expected to become more popular. We’ll be seeing pieces that won’t be released to the public for another six months or so, which means this is a great opportunity to get ahead of the game!

Sometimes I’ll see a piece that’s PERFECT for a current project; in that case, I’ll call my client right away to snap it up on the spot! But mostly, I’m getting some perspective on upcoming designs, understanding what product designers are thinking about, and considering how we can use upcoming releases to serve our clientele.

French & French Interiors Design Blogger Highpoint Market


The Fun Parts!

The other thing I really love about Market is getting to be immersed in the business side of design. In this sense, it’s almost like Fashion Week: while keeping an eye out for new trends, we’re always curious about what designer is working for a new firm, and who’s going to bring their own eye and aesthetic to a new brand!

French & French Interiors Design Blogger Highpoint Market

Finally, the whole Market atmosphere is also just super fun. There’s catered meals, parties, private drivers (provided by brands!), and famous designers everywhere — like, the ones you’ve seen on TV that now have their own furniture lines.

French & French Interiors Design Blogger Highpoint Market

There are also special sessions set up with some of these folks as speakers, which are awesome opportunities to get to ask questions of your favorite designers. I treat this like a huge masterclass on the design business every year! Once I even saw my design idol Bunny Williams speak…I still have my notes from that presentation!!

French & French Interiors Design Blogger Highpoint Market


2018 Design Bloggers Tour

Make sure to stop back by and follow us on social media so you’re getting all possible updates. Again, we’re so excited to be included with such amazing bloggers in this collaboration.

Here is the full line up of Design Bloggers who will contribute to the hashtag #designbloggerstour on social media with us throughout the coming year:

Monica Benavidez ~ Monica Wants It
Courtney ~ French Country Cottage
Heather French ~ French & French Interiors
Cindy Hattersly ~ Cindy Hattersly Design
Joanna Hawley ~ JoJoTastic
Kyla Herbes ~ House of Hipsters
Mary Ann Pickett ~ Classic Casual Home
Ivonne Ronderos ~ dkor Living
Danny Russo ~ Danny Russo
Claire Staszak ~ Centered by Design

See you soon from High Point Market!


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